Monday, July 9, 2012

Monkeysuit Press and Other Mayhem

     I think it is safe to say that we can officially call these the dog days of summer (well, as official as googling the phrase anyway). Summer semester is about to end and the temperatures are going to do nothing but rise, so as we all prepare to crawl under a rock for a few weeks,  let me recommend some reading. 

    First of all, I have to say, when talking about the Fine Arts Library Collection I am a pretty proud parent.  So, just a warning, if you hurt this mama bears books she is libel to maul you. Now, with that out of the way, that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to love, adore, skim, peruse, ogle, analyze, and enjoy the Fine Arts Collection.
    Grab an ice cold Arnold Palmer (the drink not the golfer) with a straw (and nice tight fitting lid…we don’t want any spills) and get ready to read Monkeysuit: Comics for the People Vol. 1-5.  Featuring the work of Mo Willems, Doc Hammer, Chris McCulloch aka Jackson Publick, Stephen DeStefano, and more. Primarily based out of the New York City animation scene these volumes are a quick read ripe with eye candy by artists known for work on MTV’s Daria, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and The Venture Brothers to name only a few.
               And like all the best things this post comes with a BONUS FEATURE: The Fine Arts Collections includes Survival machine:stories by Prentis Rollins and Thebig problem with Marshall by Pat Giles also published by Monkeysuit Press. Not enough, you need even MORE? Try checking out the July 2012 Juxtapoz: SpecialAdult Swim Issue in the Fine Arts Library Browsing Periodicals for art and articles about The Venture Brothers!

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